Optimize Your Resume, Cover Letter, and Linkedin Profile

Optimize Your Resume, Cover Letter, and Linkedin Profile, Creating a Complete Career Profile.

Whether you’re leveling up, transitioning your career, or unexpectedly unemployed this course can help you craft an entire career profile (resume, cover letter, and Linkedin profile) targeted to attract attention from hiring managers and recruiters.

As job hunting has transitioned to an online experience, we need to make sure that your documents are formatted and written to get past Applicant Tracking Systems and into the hands of employers. Understanding keyword optimization, adaptability, and text-based formatting are all vital in maximizing your success in this new landscape.

While it can be daunting to look at a list of requirements and qualifications for a new job, we’re going to discuss how to create an achievement-driven resume that highlights how your past experience aligns with a new company’s needs. You’re an asset, and I’m going to show you how to present yourself as one.

I’ve been a freelance resume writer and member of Indeed’s Resume Services Team for two years and have helped thousands of people get one step closer to their dream job by highlighting their achievements and creating resumes and cover letters tailored to their needs. I can’t wait to share my experience and industry knowledge with you in this course!

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