Storytelling Basics for Everyone

Storytelling Basics for Everyone, A Short Course with Eternal Benefits. Everybody has a story and I’ll help you find yours!

Are you constantly blocked?

Do you have a great idea but don’t know what to do next?

Are you looking for a roadmap you can use every time you approach a story?

Whether you are an author, a social media influencer, a screenwriter, or in advertising, I will share with you my format to break free from that block and produce fantastic stories every single time!

It is widely known that stories work! It is the way we recapture and remember human experiences. Stories are part of our DNA. Good looks part of my DNA. The bad joke doesn’t use that. Stories entertain, make a point, teach a lesson, or sell a service, product, or idea. No matter how you slice it, everybody relates to stories. The right story will also sell YOU.

If you want to make a great impact, hear people saying “ I heard her speak 8 years ago we got to have her back’  or would you rather be remembered as, “Oh yeah I remember her speak. Totally caught up on my sleep”.

Do you feel, my life is so boring? I’ve never climbed to the top of Everest, or overcome adversity, I’ve never even had food poisoning. I’ve got nothing interesting to say. That is the myth. If you’ve eaten gas station food, you’ve had food poisoning. It is not necessary to have experienced a life alternating event to tell a memorable story. I’m here to tell you that everybody has a story to tell and I can’t wait to hear yours.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, a performer, a public speaker, presenter, artist or you’re looking for better communication skills so you’re not stuck hanging out by the bean dip, or in my case the sangria, this course is for you!

In this course you will learn:

  • Your own unique brand, voice, and style
  • How to brainstorm story ideas
  • Finding your story
  • Writing the outline of your story
  • Writing skills that work
  • Essential presentation skills that work
  • How to find the right story using simple story mining techniques.
  • How to find your unique style of storytelling allowing your authentic self to shine through.
  • The do’s and don’t of storytelling

You will walk away with your first story and the framework to make further storytelling a cinch.


Why learn storytelling with Ally Lane?

I live and breathe stories. I started telling stories from the moment I learned to speak. I was a compulsive liar.

I started my professional career as a playwright, screenwriter, actor, and performer.

Today I continue to perform and write and run a successful event entertainment company producing over 1000 shows including live plays, videos, films, and keynote speeches.

I am a best-selling author including a ‘how to’ book on writing and my own best-selling memoir. I love to teach and I have taught writing and acting for over 20 years.

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