Press Release Comprehensive Course

Press Release Comprehensive Course, Press release, Entreprenuership, Business growth, Media communication, Product launch, Product promotion, Sales.


There is no more active and speedy way to create attention in your products and services than writing a press release. Above any other form of SEM (search engine marketing), online press releases, written well, hold the ability to produce prompt brand acknowledgment and fast website traffic for your products and services.

Here are the topmost assistance learners obtain from taking this course;

1. Learning how to effectively format a press release

2. Accurately describing the 5 ‘W’s of releases – Who, What, When, Where, and Why

3. How to increase interest in your brand’s message

4. Why do most the press releases fail

5. How your press release drives traffic to products and services

6. How to increase effectiveness through well-written releases

7. Sales from the immediate traffic and long-term sales from getting the boost in SEO ranking

These are just a few of numerous more schemes and best practices students will learn in this course so join us today!


I am here to answer your queries on a priority basis. Other instructors don’t bother to respond. Well, I do because

1) I care about my learners.

2) I feel a duty to make assured that students get their money’s value commencing the course.

Invest in your skill development and personality building. Enroll now.

Why I created this course

I created this online course to support learners and all types of businesses.


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