Mastering Sales: Learn The Art and Science of Selling

Mastering Sales: Learn The Art and Science of Selling, Learn The Art and Science of Selling. Learn how to develop an awesome sales process to close more deals.

Course Dsecritpion

In this three part course we go over the Art and Science of Selling to help you develop a successful sales process.

We first get into the art of sales where we’ll go over what makes someone effective at sales. We’ll get into how the best salespeople learn how to see through the eyes of their customers. We’ll also outline strategies to help you connect with and understand your customers’ needs, and position your product or service as the solution to their problem.

In the second part of the course we’ll go over the science of sales. We’ll reveal the parts of the brain that are triggered in the buying process, and provides a customer-engagement model that presents solutions in such a way that customers will close the sale themselves. Gain a deeper appreciation of the human brain and a new way of communicating with your customer.

Finally, in the last section of the course you will learn how to gather information to evaluate potential clients which can help you determine how your products or services can solve their problem. Once you’ve done your homework, discover how to present and sell your product or service, follow up with your customer, and continually refine and improve your sales process.

We’ll also get into tips and techniques to help you develop your own successful closing strategy. Learn how to nurture the relationship with your buyer, overcome obstacles, recognize buying signals, and ask for the business. Plus, find out how to improve your close rate throughout the sales pipeline by expanding what it means to sell.

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