Introduction to OKRs

Introduction to OKRs, A quick guide to understand and apply Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) is a strong method to trigger innovation and boost motivation. In this training, you will find the detailed explanation of this popular goal-setting methodology. OKRs is in parallel with coaching mentality and suggests to give people responsibility in order to get ideas far beyond your expectations. We will focus on, how OKRs motivate people with the daily progress that is visible by others. We are still in the early adopters phase for this innovative approach and do not miss the chance to be a part of this agile community.

For highly dynamic creative jobs like software production it is obvious that you need to trigger the innovation inside people. Letting them to set their ambitious goals and innovate for themselves seems to be the correct way of moving. Thats the reason why OKR is starting to be the main target setting method for tech circles.

OKRs framework helps companies implement and execute strategy. The benefits of the framework include a better focus on results that matter, increased transparency, and strategic alignment. OKRs achieves this by organizing employees and the work they do around achieving common Objectives.

In OKR world, all the targets are open to everyone and it brings transparency. When the employees see that their managers also fail time to time, they will also take more risk to go further. Vulnerability is the key here.

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