How to conduct Training Effectiveness Evaluation Practically

How to conduct Training Effectiveness Evaluation Practically, Hands-on guide to measure learning and development effectiveness in the organisation.

The learning scrap and considering learning and development a luxury function are two primary reasons for which training effectiveness evaluation should be done.

Learning scrap is the learning done by the employees but never applied. A good amount of training in the organization generates scrap. this is a wastage of organizational resources and a wastage of time and effort of the Learning and Development function. Training effectiveness will help you to understand which training programs are really creating impact in the organization so they should be continued while other training programs may look good in the execution and feedback but not creating any value for the organization. These programs should be either stopped or should be modified to be impactful.

on the other side in most organizations learning and development are considered as a luxury function, as we know luxury is the first thing to cut down when tough times hits. whenever an organization gets into the cost-cutting, the learning and development function is the first one to get a budget hit because L&D leaders never present any business impact data.

The leaders see a lot of transactions from L&D but they don’t know the real value it’s generating. Presenting training effectiveness is very important to showcase the real impact of the function to present it as a strategic function, not as a luxury function.

Responsibility is on you to do this as a learning and development leader.

In this course, you will learn what, why, how, and when of training effectiveness evaluation. This will give you Hands-on capability to apply training effectiveness in your organization.

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