How Manipulation Works in Executive Relations

How Manipulation Works in Executive Relations, The different types of manipulation that executives and senior leaders may fall prey to – as well as how to fight them.


You won’t find it strange for me to say that persuasion is a heavy component of executive relations.

In many cases, corporate success is not dictated by performance, but by persuasion capability and alliances.

Well, that persuasion becomes dangerous when it becomes manipulation.

As a persuasion expert, I’ve catalogued all different types of manipulation.

And in this course, you will find out how each one of them is used in the boardroom.


Some people – including me – love to know what they’re getting in a package.

And by this, I mean, EVERYTHING that is in the package.

So, here is a list of everything that this course covers:

  • How executives can leverage consistency manipulation by getting others to say or do things in accordance to them, which locks them into more actions in their favor, creating a “consistency trap”;
  • How emotional manipulation can be leveraged through fear, guilting, shaming, or just illustrating fear to make the person take premature action;
  • How effort manipulation is leveraged, making projects/hiring/others seem “easier”, “faster” and “simpler” than they really are, making others more likely to adopt them;
  • How standard manipulation is frequently leveraged, engineering comparisons with different criteria, hiding the criteria or “making exceptions” to make something seem better when it’s the same as others;
  • How pressure manipulation is used in the boardroom, using personal intensity, such as intense eye contact and deep vocal tones, or using artificial scarcity or fear in order to drive others to action;
  • How identification manipulation is leveraged through one executive claiming to have things in common with another, or showing understanding of their situation to make them more persuadable;
  • How fact manipulation can be leveraged, by lying about, omitting or changing the context of the facts of a project or initiative, to make it seem better overall and easier to support (or for other uses);
  • How context manipulation can be used, changing what is emphasized in a comparison or choosing a different set of options in order to make something seem better in terms of relative value, ignoring its absolute value;
  • How labeling manipulation can be leveraged, using negative reductive terms to discredit opponent executives or initiatives, and reductive, positive labels to make your own project – or yourself as an executive – seem better;


Remember that you always have a 30-day money-back guarantee, so there is no risk for you.

Also, I suggest you make use of the free preview videos to make sure the course really is a fit. I don’t want you to waste your money.

If you think this course is a fit and can take your knowledge of how to protect yourself from manipulation to the next level… it would be a pleasure to have you as a student.

See on the other side!

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