Excel Formulas and Functions Crash Course

Excel Formulas and Functions Crash Course, Master the Excel Functions that give you the most bang for your buck – fast!

Microsoft Excel is one of the most complex applications ever built, and a course that covered all of its features and functionality might last well into the next decade.

Fortunately, as with so many things, there is a small percentage of Excel’s feature set that most people use, most of the time. And at the very heart of this core functionality, is, well… functions.

These functions allow us to apply calculations and transformations to our data with incredible power and efficiency. And even better – with the right teaching approach – they’re pretty easy to master.

In this course, I’ll take you through a crash course of some of Excel’s most useful and powerful functions – the ones you’ll find yourself going back to, day in and day out.

And I go way beyond just walking you through function syntax; you can always go to the documentation for that.

Instead, I tie each function back to the types of scenarios where it is most commonly applied, and demonstrate these applications with realistic examples.

But without hands-on practice to reinforce what you’ve learned, you might as well be binging the latest show on Netflix instead of taking an Excel course. That’s why I also included exercises – with solutions – that challenge you to apply each of the concepts we cover in the course to a real world problem.

By the end of the course, you’ll have mastered the most important functions for manipulating and transforming data in your in Excel spreadsheets.

Take it from someone who leveraged a foundation of excel skills into a career as a data analyst: this knowledge will not only save you time at innumerable tasks on your job, it can also make you a superstar around the office.

So what are you waiting for? Enroll today to become an Excel functions guru. I’ll see you in the course.

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