Outlook Desktop Add-ins Development For Beginners

Outlook Desktop Add-ins Development For Beginners, Learn outlook desktop add-in development using C# and visual studio.

Outlook is personal management software designed by Microsoft that uses by most of the people all around the world. It manages mail, appointments, task, contacts, etc.

Why outlook desktop add-ins?

As millions of people and companies use outlook for handling their business and day today requirements, outlook desktop add-ins help to get things done directly from mailbox.

It will help you to bind your businesses with outlook directly.

Why learning outlook desktop add-in development is important?

  • As most of people use outlook for personal and business management, learning development of outlook add-ins make you able to start your career as an outlook specialist.
  • If you are using outlook for handling business or day today requirements you can customize your outlook by creating your own outlook desktop add-in.

In this course featured lectures allows you to get basic knowledge about outlook desktop add-ins, and students will be able to create outlook desktop add-in from scratch without any prior knowledge.

As course is using c# and visual studio students will get hands on experience with c# and also visual studio.

Topics covered include creating customized ribbons in mail, calendar, task explorers and inspectors, sending mail, task and calendar items, handling outlook panels and much more.

At the end you will create your own setup for the designed outlook desktop add-in.

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