Scratch Programming
Games in Scratch #4: Elevator
5 months ago

Games in Scratch #4: Elevator

Games in Scratch #4: Elevator, Creating Elevator game with clones, "my blocks", list variable, conditional statements in Scratch (Hard level). Course Description In this course we will create ...
C programming tutorial
7 months ago

C programming tutorial

C programming tutorial, 1st developed programming language . Course Description you will learn all about the C language , its structure and everything . learning 'C' as the main language ...
Kids Programming: Fun Learning with Scratch Coding
Kids Programming: Fun Learning with Scratch Coding, Scratch is a free block coding website for kids, developed by the MIT Media Lab. Scratch is its own programming language. Course Description ...
5 Projects In 5 Days – Scratch Game Programming For Kids
5 Projects In 5 Days - Scratch Game Programming For Kids, Kids can learn Scratch Game Programming by building 5 fun, interactive projects. Hello parents and guardians, Welcome to the 5 ...
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