Convolutional Neural Networks
Modern Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with PyTorch
Modern Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with PyTorch, Image Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks. Advanced techniques for Deep Learning and Representation learning. Course Description ...
Computer Vision with RegNet
11 months ago

Computer Vision with RegNet

Computer Vision with RegNet, Image Classification using SuperGradients and RegNet. Course Description In this course, you are going to learn about RegNet architecture. You'll learn what it ...
Convolutional Neural Networks in Python: CNN Computer Vision
Convolutional Neural Networks in Python: CNN Computer Vision, Python for Computer Vision & Image Recognition - Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) - Keras & TensorFlow 2. ...
Computer Vision with ResNet
Computer Vision with ResNet, ResNet: How One Paper Changed Deep Learning Forever. Course Description In December 2015, a paper was published that rocked the deep learning world. This ...
Computer Vision with MobileNet
Computer Vision with MobileNet, Using MobileNet Architectures for Image Classification. Course Description This course provides a comprehensive understanding of MobileNet, a ...
Image Recognition for Beginners using CNN in R Studio
Image Recognition for Beginners using CNN in R Studio, Deep Learning based Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for Image recognition using Keras and Tensorflow in R Studio. You're looking for a ...
Deep Learning with Keras and Tensorflow in R
3 years ago

Deep Learning with Keras and Tensorflow in R

Free $89.99
Deep Learning with Keras and Tensorflow in R, Learn to use convolutional neural networks for image recognition, character recognition and accurate predictions. In this course you will learn how to ...
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